The Club in indebted to various members for providing the photos below and so that we may remember some of our past members who may no longer be with us but the memories of the person and the music remains.
The Club in indebted to various members for providing the photos below and so that we may remember some of our past members who may no longer be with us but the memories of the person and the music remains.
Arnold Gotlieb (now deceased) playing the GA3 organ. This would have been taken around the year 2000. Arnold used to host Coffee Days for the Club and had a lovely Yamaha AR100 organ at his home. Photo courtesy of George Watt.

Above, Verne Christiansen, past-President, playing a previous Club organ and having the distinct honour of playing for His Worship the Mayor, George Gair, who can be seen 'strutting his stuff' on the ballroom floor. Photo courtesy of George Watt.
Verne used to host Coffee Days for the Club and was a great organ enthusiast. The photo would have been taken around 1991.
Legend: A = Ken Mahy; B = George Watt; C = Laurel Jonkers.
The photo was taken at the Club's 27th October Birthday Club Night in 2004.
Laurel is a pianist and former music teacher. She has both an acoustic piano and a Technics ensemble piano at home.
Photo courtesy of George Watt.
'Cutting the cake' at another Club Birthday party ca year 2000. Legend:
A = Ngaire Lonergan;
B = President, George Watt; C = Club Patron, George Wood.
Photo courtesy of George Watt.
President, George Watt, standing 'guard' over the delicious looking Club Birthday cake!
Photo courtesy of George Wood.
Legend for Photo below: A = Pam Rea; B = Molly Beesley; C = Peggy Cowan; D = Cristal; E = Molly Scott. Cristal is a very good pianist despite being severely sight-challenged and was a member of the Club. Photo courtesy of George Watt.
Legend: A = Ailsa Hinton, former Club Secretary for many years in the 1990's; E = Joyce King; C = Jack Briscoe; D = Vera Wrightson; B = Jim Nicholson.
Photo courtesy of George Wood.
Long-time member of the Club, Vic Clarke taking a little rest! Vic has had a variety of organs and keyboards but has concentrated on his Internet 'surfing' in recent years as his partial sight inhibits his ability to drive at night.
Photo courtesy of George Wood.
Above: Laurel Jonkers savouring the music at our former Club Rooms, The Crosslands Lounge, Gibbons Road, Takapuna. Photo courtesy of George Wood.\
Peggy Cowan (now deceased). Peggy was a keen member of the Club and held many musical dinner parties and hosted many Club Coffee Days. Peggy had a Yamaha Electone EL25 organ for many years and finished with a lovely Roland ensemble piano.
Photo ca 2004 courtesy of Club Secretary, Colleen Kerr.
Clare Davidson playing her faithful Lowrey organ. Clare has been a long-time member of the Club. Clare has a very good voice and used to sing in a music variety group at the Northbridge Village Retirement Home that she now lives in. Clare tends to favour semi-classical music (lots of dots).
Photos of Clare courtesy of Club Secretary, Colleen Kerr and taken in 2009.
Lenore Truscott, again a member of the Club for many years, playing her beloved Technics GA1 organ. Lovely mellow flutes on these magnificent organs. Lenore has had a career in show business also and in the heady days of the Civic Theatre Lenore was in the cabaret dancing and singling chorus girls line-up. Oh to have been around a few years ago! Lenore likes semi-classical music although her eye sight is making it more challenging to play these days. In years gone by, Lenore used to stage a musical variety show of about 30 minutes duration and put these on for the Club's Christmas Club Night. Not only did Lenore arrange the choreography but she also trained her fellow companions in the art of tap dancing and expression as well as making all the costumes for the shows. Similarly, Lenore used to put on regular variety shows at the Northbridge Retirement Village that she now resides in. A very talented lady!
Photos of Lenore courtesy of Club Secretary, Colleen Kerr and taken in 2009.
Here we see Lenore Truscott showing off some of her dancing moves at the 2nd July 1988 Coffee Day.
Above Left to Right: Lois Rickman; Margaret Van Urk; Vera Wrightson; Ngaire Lonergan; Ailsa Hinton; and choreographer of the song and dance group, Lenore Truscott. The photos was taken at the Club's former Crosslands Lounge room and about 1990.
Margaret Van Urk feigning playing the violin at the 2nd July 1988 Coffee Day. Margaret and husband Fred were long time members of the Club but moved to Australia about 1990.
More Club members enjoying 2nd July 1988 Coffee Day - looks like this was one heck of a party what with organs, violins and saxaphones!
Connie Bough and Hilda Latimer posing at the Coffee Day at Lady Allum Home in 1982
Connie Bough and Jo Cooper at the Coffee Day at Lady Allum Home in 1982
Hilda Stone at the Coffee Day at Lady Allum Home in 1982
Jo Cooper at the keyboard with Ngaire Lonergan and Connie Bough bringing up the percussion and vocals!
Members of the Club celebrating the Club's 3rd Birthday party in 1980. Is this their normal attire or maybe a costume dress-up party! In the middle you can see Len Bough and Ngaire Lonergan.